Your kind donations help us tell the story
We don’t stand still
Recently we introduced new seating to one side of the hall, thanks to the kind donations from our supporters.
This garden area has now been named in memory of Edward Nightingale for many years secretary of the charity and a tremendous servant of Lynton & Lynmouth.
We have just taken over the wishing well on the other side of the building. This area will again be re-vamped and extra seating installed for the benefit of all.
In 2019 we acquired a number of photographs at auction, many depicting scenes of the flood and rebuilding of the village that have never been seen before. These will shortly be on display in a second room in the hall.
The Flood Memorial Hall was erected in 1958 on the site of the former lifeboat station and its opening on the 10th July of that year officially marked the completion of the rebuilding of the village, nearly 6 years after that fateful night in August 1952.
We are a registered charity run solely by a small group of volunteers and are entirely reliant on donations received from the general public.
We are committed to keeping the hall open both as a lasting memorial to those who lost their lives and so that future generations may understand the terrible event that happened in our small village.
With your help we are able to improve and maintain the building, its surroundings and we will continue to introduce new projects and items of interest to the exhibition for the benefit of the village and our visitors.
Just by donating £10 (you can obviously donate more if you wish) will assist us enormously.
I would personally like to thank you in advance for your kind donation.
You will receive a lifetime "Friends of the Hall" certificate and our continued thanks.
Adrian Hobbs
To make your donation please fill in and submit the form opposite, then click on the Donate button below to make your donation.