Our Projects.
Here are the 3 projects we set ourselves for 2019

Memorial Seating
To replace 3 wooden benches sited at the side of the hall for many years.
There are now 5 newly built slate bench seats in their place. In addition we have also constructed a new slate planter as a central feature. All will be constructed in Lynmouth stone straight from the beach and topped with smooth slate.
Edward Nightingale Garden
The garden seating area has now been named in memory of Mr Edward Nightingale, who for many years devoted much of his time to the Memorial Hall and was the local representative for the RNLI.
This picture shows Mr Chris Sleep, Mayor of Lynton & Lynmouth unveiling the plaque at the official naming ceremony
Lifeboat Exhibition
On the night of the 12th January, 1899 an urgent telegram was received by Lynmouth Post Office telling of a large vessel, the Forrest Hall, was drifting ashore in treacherous waters in the Bristol Channel.
The storm prevented the launch of the Louisa lifeboat from Lynmouth, so coxswain, Jack Crowcombe, made the heroic decision to carry the boat overland and launch from Porlock Weir - 15 miles away!
This exhibition sited on the ground floor tells the story
Water Refill Station & Fountain
Again through the generosity of donations, 2018 saw the installation of a water drinking fountain and bottle refill site.
This is situated at the side of the Hall below the steps and provides free drinking water far all