The Rebuild
Following the flood, much of Lynmouth needed rebuilding, with immediate focus on the harbour walls and sea defences. Longer term plans for rebuilding needs to consider the future safety of both residents and visitors, with the design protecting the village if a storm of similar magnitude occurred again, whilst ensuring that the unique identity of the seaside village was not lost.
Out of the 212 properties in Lynmouth, 55 were lost to the flood. These included houses, hotels, cafes, shops and a chapel.
A total of 12 properties were demolished to make way for the widening and deepening of the Lyn rivers and creation of a floodplain. These included some of the famous hotels dating from the mid to late 19th century - the Lyn Valley Hotel, the Falls Hotel, the Granville Hotel and the West Lyn Hotel.
Riverside Road was built where once the Lyn River had flowed, to the rear of the buildings along Lynmouth Street, helping to act as a future flood barrier for the lower part of Lynmouth.
The Flood Memorial Hall was erected in 1958 on the site of the former lifeboat station and its opening on the 10th July of that year officially marked the completion of the rebuilding of the village, nearly 6 years after that fateful night in August 1952.
If you are fortunate enough to visit our twin villages of Lynton & Lynmouth please visit our exhibition at the Flood Memorial Hall

Redirecting and widening the riverbed

As it is now